M0012 Haworthia arachnoidea var setata (Van Wykskraal Farm, 14km E Oudtshoorn)
M0048 Haworthia semiviva ‚spheroidea‘ (20km SE Middelpos)
M0049 Haworthia zantneriana (Kampherspoort to Steytlerville) IB780
M0300 Haworthia calcarea (De Hoop) – brown form
M0311 Haworthia badia (4km W of Napier) IB78,LAV26904
M0323 Haworthia picta (Die Meule, 30km S of Oudtshoorn) IB6209,GM259
M0328 Haworthia pygmaea var argenteo-maculosa (hill near Cooper Station) IB5330, VDV274
M0345 Haworthia magnifica var atrofusca (Droerivier, 8km SW Riversdale)
M0350 Haworthia springbokvlaktensis (Cockscoms View, E of Springbokvlakte) GM390
M0359 Haworthia glauca (Perdepoort) IB5654
M0362 Haworthia coarctata var tenuis (NE of farm Harvestvale, above Bushmans) IB6545
M0364 Haworthia coarctata (Committees Drift) IB604
M0648 Haworthia coarctata (Belmont Valley, 10Km E of Graham) IB544
M0679 Haworthia pulchella var globifera (Towsberg)
M0739 Haworthia graminifolia (t-off to Rus-en-Vrede, Schoemanspoort)
M0797 Haworthia emelyae (Paardeberg, north slopes , west side, ca. 3km E/ Kammanassie Dam, S/Dys) GM267
M0814 Haworthia gracilis (above Kouga Dam)
M0872 Haworthia angustifolia var baylissii,IB:viridula n.n. (Aalwynspoort Station) IB13158,MBB6491
M1049 Haworthia arachnoidea var nigricans,IB:ebenea n.n. (NE of Tierkloof) IB13176,MBB6994
M1101 Haworthia cooperi var isabellae,IB:florida n.n. (S of Geelhoutboskloof) IB14134,MBB6825
M2468 Haworthia tretyrensis (Noorspoort) IB8935
M2634 Haworthia kingiana (Rooiheuwel, N. Klein Brak River)
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